When it comes to funding your new business start-up working out whether you need investment or whether you can go...
Working out how much of your company you should give to investors can cause many sleepless nights. For many, splitting...
Crowdfunding is a relatively new way of gaining capital to get started in business. Crowdfunding can be an interesting and...
Crowdfunding has worked for million of businesses worldwide, can it work for you as well? Find out what the basics are and how to get your funding petition noticed.
One way to gain the capital you need to set up your new business is through business loans. Applying for...
Raising capital for your startup is crucial for the early stages of the venture when you will need to work hard to build up your product. Let's look at how you can get the funding you need.
The UK government recognises the role of small businesses in the economy, so what government funding is available to them?
There are good time and there are bad times... when money is an issue there are different routes you can take to secure extra funding for your small business.
What are the alternatives to traditional funding? Can they work for your business? Find out what your options are and make the best decision to fund your business.
Once you’re ready to start looking for people to inject funds into your business how do you find those investors...