Don’t unwittingly involve your company in any significant transactions and make sure you keep up with your reporting requirements. In...
To begin to understand depreciation from an accounting point of view, let’s use the example of a company van. Unless...
Being chained to the desk is bad for you, and it can be bad for your business, too. According to...
When it comes to funding your new business start-up working out whether you need investment or whether you can go...
If an investor is doing due diligence on your company, they may ask for a Certificate of Good Standing. But what is...
As your business gets off the ground and your reputation grows your business’ name becomes one of your most valuable...
Sensitive words - when can you use them if you're forming a company? Find out what's allowed by Companies House and which terms aren't.
What leadership style fits your company better? What sort of traits should you look for when hiring a new executive position?
Technology is a two-way street. It offers new ways for customers to reach out to you with a query or...
If you have a business idea, but you’re not keen on going it alone, finding out what is a partnership...